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Your Weekly KYCombinator Digest - AI & Capstones

Hello Fellow Pioneers!

We going through Capstone, AI Discussion and just announced (with 2 spots left) Louisville Meetup with Health Tech Nerds (Jan 21st). Plus HackKentucky (we need signups and sponsors)!


The semester is getting underway and with that comes University Capstones projects. Both University of Louisville and University of Kentucky have fantastic capstone programs. They are semester long programs where you can work with 3-5 soon to be graduating seniors on a project.

Reach out to:
UofL - [email protected]
UK - [email protected]

Calling all Capstone Speakers - UofL

Jeff Squyres is organizing guest speakers for his capstone class. If you’re in tech and want to inspire the next generation of students I would encourage you to come speak and engage! Jeff is looking for speakers:

For Feb: can be on any of Feb 18, 20, 25, or 26 (i.e., Tue/Thu mornings at 8am).
For Mar: can be any of Mar 25/27 or Apr 1/3

Email: [email protected]

Startups to Watch

If you’re travelling to Louisville let us help you make the most of your trip. Let us know if you need connections, introductions etc…

Story is offering complimentary Startups to Watch Coworking - Tues, Jan 28th, all day @ Story! (and if you're local, you're welcome to join too!). Register here.

Story has phone booths available for meetings, the Founders Room for some quiet space, and the common area if you want to meet and mingle. You can park for free at the parking lot next door at Five Iron. Thank you Natalia Bishop and the whole Story Team! Email Janna Gottbrath of Story if you have more Qs.

HackKentucky X University of Louisville Speed School - community sponsor!

What’s your talent strategy?

Are you a tech-forward company and looking for a unique channel to source and connect with TOP TALENT? Submit a project for our hackers to work on!

This is a great, non-traditional way to source and pre-qualify talent. Participants are coming in on the weekend and working for 48 hours straight! Can you imagine a better employee? Give them a peek at what your company does. We recommend posting a $500 prize (cash or in-kind) to entice them to work on your project!

Submit a project here

For more info check out www.hackkentucky.com
Register here


Checkout other events here. Submit your event here.

Louisville Meetup with Health Tech - Tues, Jan 21st, 4:30pm @ Bar Nada ← Check this one out!
FIRE AND ICE NETWORKING (POSTPONED - New Date) - Sat, Jan 25th, 10am @ Story
Startups to Watch Coworking - Tues, Jan 28th, all day @ Story
KY Inno Startups to Watch - Tues, Jan 28th, 4:30 @ IceHouse
Poker Night - Thurs, Jan 30th, 5pm @ Story
HackKentucky - Fri, Feb 21st, 4pm @ Story


Looking for $250K in Inventory Funding? CPG founders apply for a chance to win $250,000 in no-cost inventory funding. - Check-out https://www.kickfurther.com/cpgrow-2025-application (Thanks @Rachel!) Deadline Jan 31st

AI / AI Tools Discussion

We had a great conversation today about AI and AI Tools in our slack channel. Here’s an excerpt, come find join us on Slack here

Here is a very interesting read: https://sourcegraph.com/blog/the-death-of-the-junior-developer -- it is worth the 20 minutes to read the whole thing. "The Mangler" and "Cabin in the Woods" sections that are specifically why we are not letting students use genAI in their Capstone projects. We had projects in both of the last 2 semesters where the students literally couldn't complete their projects because they solely relied on genAI and were totally unable to fix the hallucinations and flat-out wrong code that was generated.

The last section of that blog post, "Final Destination", is a good summary. The author does encourage the use of GenAI, but I think the Capstone part of this picture is that we're focusing on one narrow slice of it: "Get good, fast. That's what you need to do. Get ahead of the slackers while our industry turns upside down, and you might be the one to survive." I.e., have the students get at least an overview of the core skills and learn the ability to think and understand. The use of GenAI will come after this class -- learn how to think and understand first.

Jeff Squyres, Principle Engineer @ Cisco (and Capstone Prof)

As someone deep into the AI space and very bullish on its adoption. I think it's very much the right call to prevent AI in school work. You need to set a foundation of general knowledge and principles. It's like understanding what a derivative and integral are in math by doing things manually when there are clearly calculators and programs around. The tools should supplement the fundamental knowledge, not replace it entirely. And if students want to get in the super high level development in the future, understanding the reasoning and having a good foundation of the manual things is even more important

Otavio Menezes @ Azuli Studios

I agree in theory and disagree in practice. I think it is fundamental to learn and understand the rationale and theory as long as the ability to apply and practice are being provided. If the students are getting the opportunity to learn these tools and use them in other areas of their education maybe this is fine. If you aren't allowing them to use it during the capstone PERIOD I think you have missed an opportunity. These tools are not going away. They are currently the worst they will ever be. Teaching your students how and when to use them is crucial. Teaching them how to do it in a professional setting and for creating an end-to-end deployed projects even more so. It is important that students understand how to work with the technology not rely on it. If the capstones previously were being 100% generated and the student couldn't complete the project they either were not properly understanding how to use it or weren't taught how to correctly use it. Imagine doing your job today without the internet, or without an IDE. We are approaching a fundamental shift in how development in practice works. There is a very real difference between a research engineer and a practicing software engineer and the associated learning and education between the two.

David Brundage, Director of Informatics

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Best of Luck Fellow Pioneers!